Last Update:  11/08/99 02:28:40 PM

UAC Guide
Version 3.0

General Regulations and Policies

All citizens of the United Affairs Council (herein referred to as the UAC) need to have UAC listed somewhere in their profile:  UAC, UAC Dice, XP count, and guild acronyms and rank.
ex.  UAC 2d50, 1676 XPs, AoBC, SiC. Rebel of RhyDin is no longer required.

All members, upon joining, swear allegiance to the United Affairs Council, their Guilds' Commanders, and the Administration of the UAC, and should further the Council's cause by doing such things as recruiting Guilds into the UAC and serving their Guild(s) and the UAC to the best of their abilities by fulfilling missions assigned to them by their Guild Leaders or the UAC Administration.

All members are expected to obey all rules, regulations, laws, and by-laws presented by the UAC or their Guild(s) and should bring any problems or ideas for improvement noticed to their Guild Leader's attention, who will be responsible for sending these ideas to the UAC Administration.

While DMs (Death Matches) require a proctor, SMs (Slave Matches), HMs (Honor Matches), or spars do not require a proctor to be legal or binding, as they do elsewhere, however, a log is necessary. Logs are no longer extremely easy to forge due to mundane advancements in AOL's programming.

There are no assassinations, such as by method of the AA (Assassination Attempt) Dagger, because hypothetically, one man could kill 300 people a day, and in the opinion of UAC, this hardly keeps within the spirit of role-playing. Assassins must resort to DMs to kill. This may, in the future, be changed for wartime, however, the UAC will never support or implement Assassins with the power to force another peron to delete their character/Screen Name.

Some forums now include Rape Attempts(RAs) and Mass Rape Attempts(MRAs) in their policies. These barbaric atrocities are absolutely outlawed in the UAC and should not be acknowledged. Not only are these acts disgusting and despicable, they violate the very ethics of the UAC, and as such, are ruled illegal in this forum.

If an SM is lost, or a person agrees to be a slave, that person is a slave until willingly released by his master, whether or not it be the person who enslaved him/her or not (meaning that slaves can be passed from person to person). Please note that everything stated in this rule is used by all Guilds and Councils throughout all of RhyDin. Slaves cannot complain about what their masters tell them to do (as long as their masters aren't telling them to violate TOS), as the slaves should have thought about those things before becoming slaves or accepting the respective SM's.

For the laws of DM's, please refer to the next section, entitled "DM Law".

All members, whether they are part of a UAC Guild or are just a Citizen of UAC, must use the command line //roll-sides 20-dice2 when fighting. They only way to get better dice is to gain enough XP's (See: 1st Amendment: The XP System). If one's dice is 2d21, he/she will then use //roll-sides 21-dice2. When his/her dice reach 2d22, he/she will use the dice command, //roll-sides 22-dice2, etc., all the way up to 2d50, in which case he/she will use //roll-sides 50-dice2 to roll.

DM Law

It is not required to accept a Death Match(hereby referred to as DM) if challenged. All members in the UAC have the right to decline DMs without the fear of being trapped in a legal requirement. If a DM is accepted, the challengee(the one that got challenged) is the one who decides the terms. If the challenger does not accept the terms, the match is considered invalid. No person is required to fight a DM until both parties have accepted and initiative has been rolled by both fighters. Once initiative has been rolled, both combatants are required to finish the DM. All DMs require a proctor to ensure that both parties are aware of the rules and abide by them accordingly. The proctor must log the match and must state the rules and acknowledge that both parties are in agreement(verbal agreement from both parties is required). Names of the combatants must be stated for the log. The following are the standard DM rules. They may be changed on the agreement of both parties, but these rules are the standard basis to refer to:

Proctor should call for absolute silence from those spectating. Excessive exiting/entering of spectators should not be permitted. This rule does not automatically rule the match invalid, but it should be strictly enforced, and can lead to penalties if disobeyed continously, leading to possible invalidity of the match.
Punt Rule: In the case of being punted, the punted party has 10 minutes to return to the match before forfeiting and losing the match.
Action Rule: Combatant must make his/her move(action) within 5 minutes or fight is forfeited.

If a fighter leaves in the middle of the match, he forfeits, thus losing the DM and is considered dead. The loser of the DM should then delete his/her SN within 24 hours. However, this is not required. The alternative is to simply perform a "profile sweep", which is basically deleting the character without deleting the SN. You are never absolutely required to delete your SN, but the character must never be played again.

Dice According to XP's

XPs have one main function, and that is to raise one's dice. Please note: If you are not in a UAC Guild, or you are not a legal UAC Citizen (A UAC Citizen is someone who is not in a Guild, but still wants to use the UAC's rules, policies, and systems. To become a UAC Citizen, you must fill out the top half of the UAC Application.), you may not have XPs, and may not use the UAC's XP System or dice.

It is now law that UAC XPs can only be gained by using UAC Dice, whether it be through a Spar, MS, Healing, etc... Gaining UAC XPs using any other dice than your UAC Dice, such as gen dice and other forum dice, will not be allowed, with one exception: Outside forum dice may be used, so long as they do not exceed your current UAC Dice. It should be understood that outside forum dice may always be used, just not when it comes to gaining UAC XPs. Members may only fight those that wield dice within 10 sides of their own. This law is not meant to be harsh, it is simply to ensure fairness throughout the council. Furthermore, your UAC Dice must be listed in your profile in order to be valid for use.

When you are fighting, you roll dice to see how many hits you made. This is standard throughout all of RhyDin.  Here is the Hit-Chart for our dice:

UAC Hit Chart

01-14 = 0
15-19 = 1
20-26 = 2
27-33 = 3
34-40 = 4
41-47 = 5
48-50 = 6

If you win a Spar or Honor Match by 5 points, for example (let's say that the final score at the end of the fight was 15 -10), you'd get 10 XPs (2 times the number of points you won by). If you win a Slave Match by 5 points, for example, you get 20 XPs (4 times the number of points you won by). If you win a Death Match by 5 points, for example, you will get 30 XPs (6 times the number of points you won by).

Everytime you reach a multiple of 50 XPs (50 XPs, 100 XPs, 150 XPs, 200 XP, etc., up to 1,500 XPs), your dice move up one level. Everyone starts with 2d20 (0 XPs). When you get 50 XPs, your dice become 2d21. When you get 100 XPs, your dice become 2d22. The maximum you can get, as stated above, is 2d50, and that's at 1,500 XPs.

If you loose a fight, you get 1 XP. It doesn't matter how close you were to winning or what kind of fight it was. You just get 1 XP.

When you get XPs from fighting, you give the correct amount of XPs to yourself; your Guild Leader doesn't give them to you. Usually, the only time your Guild Leader gives you XPs is on Sundays (see below).

If you are in more than one Guild that uses the XP System (another UAC Guild), then you add up all your XPs. For example, if you earned 56 XPs in one Guild, and 4 XPs in another Guild, then you have 60 XPs in both Guilds. In other words, you have the same dice in both Guilds. XPs don't depend on how many Guilds you are in like RPs do. XPs only depend on how much you fight, etc. Therefore, you could be in 5 Guilds, and could have earned only 10 XPs from each Guild, but you would still be rolling 2d21 in each Guild, because you have 50 XPs (5 X 10 = 50). Also, XPs do not depend on your rank. You could be a General, and be rolling 2d20, or you could be a Private, and be rolling 2d50.

When you recruit someone into a UAC Guild, and that person replies (sends the Guild Leader the filled in application), you will receive 4 XPs. So, when you send out applications, make sure you tell them to send the reply to both the Guild Leader and you, so you can see if they join.  Upon their acceptance, give yourself 4 XPs. You can also get XPs for recruiting a Guild into the UAC. If you send this document to someone, and they reply by filling out the application and applying, then the office of the Secretary will email you 4 times the number of XPs as that Guild has members. When you recruit a Guild into the UAC, you do not give the XPs to yourself. For example, if you bring a Guild with 15 people into the UAC, the office of the Secretary will see your name in the Application and he/she will send you 60 XPs.

XPs may be transferred from one person to another. They may be given as gifts, traded, or sold to anyone in any form or fashion, for any reason whatsoever. This only requires notification of the leader of the guild. In the case of individual citizens, notification is only needed if the citizen is willing his/her XPs away. In this case, the UAC Secretary should be notified.

If a person was/is in the RWC, UGC, CoR, or RGF, dice exp's/xp's can be converted into UAC XP's with the following conversion:

1 RWC RP = 10 UAC XP's
250 UGC Exp's = 1 UAC XP
250 CoR Exp's = 1 UAC XP
8 RGF Exp's = 1 UAC XP

Conversion of dice doesn't allow one to use exp's/xp's more than once. That is, if a person transfers 1,000 UGC Exp's to 4 UAC XP's, that person LOSES the UGC Exp's. This conversion must be approved by said person's Grand Commander or an EHC. More conversions will be added; if you require conversion of XPs from forums other than those listed above, please notify the EHC of such and they will appropriate the necessary conversion.

Every Sunday, Guild Leaders should email an update to the Clerk(can also be done through the UAC web page). The Guild will get it's weekly paycheck of XPs only after this update is recieved by the Clerk. It consists of these questions:

1.) Guild Name and/or Acronym:
2.) Guild Leader:
3.) Complete Member Count, including the Leader (a roster is not needed):

If a Guild has 50 members, for example, and the leader sends in an Update, that guild will receive 200 XPs. Each member in the Guild does not gain 200 XPs. Instead, the 200 XPs can be divided between the Guild Leader and the members of the Guild however the Leader wishes. The Leader can even keep all the XPs for himself/herself, if he/she wishes. In addition, some people have been confused in the past by these XP Paychecks. The following is a clarification: For example, if one of your Guild members wins a Spar by 3 points, which is worth 6 XPs (see above), you don't pay them with the XPs from the Paycheck. The 6 XPs are simply added to the member's total by the person after the log is reviewed. However, some XPs from Paychecks can be used as rewards in tournaments, or to issue bounties, etc.

UAC XP System for Healing - ONLY for Healers

XPs are gained through acts of healing by the following method. Please note that self-healing does not apply and will NOT gain XPs. XPs for healing are only allowed for healers, as allowing it for all classes would only result in abuse and excessive usage. UAC Healers who intend on using this system MUST include the small phrase "UAC Healer" in their profile in order for any healing XPs to be valid. Guild Leaders, it is your duty to ensure that your members are not abusing the system, and that only actual healers within the guild are using this system.

When healing, UAC Dice must be used in order for any XPs to be gained. Only one attempt is allowed in the current healing situation. The person to be healed MUST acknowledge that he/she is about to be healed, and must make it known that they are about to receive healing from the healer. Narration of the healing act must be made clear, followed by roll of the dice. The healer must roll at least a 15 in order for the act of healing to be successful. The higher number of the two dice rolled is taken and converted to points using the standard UAC Hit Chart, i.e. 15-19 = 1, 20-26 = 2, 27-33 = 3, and so on. These points are then converted to XPs by multiplying by 3. The following is an example:

XxFighterxX: ::clutches his side in severe pain, groaning as blood trickles down his hand, looking to VvHealervV for assistance:: Here, you see that XxFighterxX is in pain and needs healing, and by noting VvHealervV in the narration, he verifies who the healer is to be, thus making the following healing attempt valid.
VvHealervV: ::with a slight nod, she whispers a silent prayer to Paladine. A strange, blue glow surrounding her hands, she lightly rests them upon the source of his pain, allowing this healing energy to soothe him, quelling his torment::
OnlineHost: VvHealervV rolled 2 50-sided dice: 34 16
As you see, VvHealervV was successful in this healing attempt, as at least one of her dice reflected a roll higher than 14. In this case, both dice reflected a valid healing roll, but the higher of the two is used for XP calculation. 34 being the higher of the two, you then refer to the UAC Hit Chart in order to tally the points, which would be 4. Then, you multiply this number by 3 to give you the amount of XPs gained. 12 XPs were gained from this act of healing.

This may seem like a very small amount of XPs gained, but considering the relative ease of the act, it is more than enough. All such acts MUST be logged and sent to the Grand Commander, who in turn should verify the following from the log:

1. Verify that "UAC Healer" is in the healer's profile.
2. Acknowledgment of the healer by the fighter, and the recognition of requiring such assistance.
3. Proper narration was made instead of a simple roll of the dice.
4. At least a 15 was rolled.
5. XPs gained from the higher die.
(Yes, this may sound like a lot for a GC to do, who is already very busy, but it will become elementary in no time and take but a moment.)

Unlike spars, XPs from healing are not to be automatically rewarded to one's self. Verification from the Grand Commander is needed first. This is done by sending the log to the GC and receiving a simple "Healing XPs verified" from the GC. Then and only then do you add those XPs to your total. All such XP verifications by GCs should be responded to within 3 days of receiving.

XP Gain from Mass Spars

1.) A Mass Spar (hereby referred to as MS) may be fought with as many as 6 opponents; no less than 3.
2.) UAC dice must be used to gain UAC XPs through MS(dice must be listed in profile)
3.) To decide line up, an initiative roll would be made, but instead of the standard 1d6, 1d50 would be used, to be fair to the more people sparring(with many people fighting, using 1d6 would simply end up with far too many tied inits). Highest roll goes first, and is followed by the second highest, and so on down the line.
4.) Basic terms: An MS is fought similar to a Spar, but with subtle variations. Every combatant would begin with a number of points, to be agreed upon by the involved combatants. Every hit taken would deduct from that total based upon the roll of the attacker. Once the total reaches 0, that combatant is out. Of course, last one standing wins. Example of a Mass Spar:

Fighter1: This is a UAC MS using UAC dice, point total starting at 30.
Fighter1: Roll init
Online Host: Fighter1 Rolled 1 50-sided die: 26
Online Host: Fighter2 Rolled 1 50-sided die: 17
Online Host: Fighter3 Rolled 1 50-sided die: 31
Online Host: Fighter4 Rolled 1 50-sided die: 49
Init has been rolled... it is apparent what order they will follow
Fighter1: Lineup is as follows: Fighter4, then Fighter3, Fighter1, Fighter2
Fighter1: begin...
Fighter4: ::draws his blade, slashing a deep gash across Fighter1's thigh::
Online Host: Fighter4 Rolled 2 50-sided dice: 27 17
Fighter1: ::growls, clutching his thigh in pain::
Fought like a spar: combatant attacks, defender reacts... fight is continued in order.
Fighter3: ::leaps in the air, he uses his mace to crash down upon Fighter2 with a sickening thud to the shoulder::
Online Host: Fighter3 Rolled 2 50-sided dice: 39 1
Fighter2: ::winces, nearling falling to his knees in agony::
Fighter1: ::seizes the opportunity of Fighter2's guard going down and lunges at him, sending a fierce blow into his stomach::
Online Host: Fighter1 Rolled 2 50-sided dice: 47 21
Fighter2: ::buckles over, gasping for air::
Fighter2: ::retaliates with an uppercut right into Fighter3's jaw::
Online Host: Fighter2 Rolled 2 50-sided dice: 43 42
Fighter3: ::falls back, landing hard on the ground::
Score is then tallied. Every combatant started with 30 points. Fighter2 hit Fighter3 with a 43 and 42, thus causing 10 points of damage. Fighter3 now only has 20 points.
Fighter1: Score after Round 1: Fighter4 - 30, Fighter3 - 20, Fighter1 - 26, Fighter2 - 19

5.) XP gain: The remaining life of the winner is multiplied by the number of participants. Those points are then taken and multiplied by 2, as a spar would be. Example:
Lets say Fighter1 wins, meaning the other three fighters have fallen to 0 and Fighter1 still has points remaining. In this case, we will say he has 5 points left. 4 participants, so you'd multiply 5 by 4, which is 20. Treat these points as you would in a spar, multiplying by 2, thus resulting in an XP gain of 40. Those that lose the match receive the standard 1 XP, only they multiply by the number of participants, thus the losers receive 4 XPs each.

Governance and Regulation Change

The Executive power of the United Affairs Council will be vested in four persons who act as the Executive High Council. This change has been implemented due to the flaws found in the previous Presidency. These members act in the best interests of the UAC and shall remain in office for as long as they benefit the UAC and it's Council Members.. The powers of these four persons and the individual members thereof are defined as follows:

I. Any Executive High Council (EHC) may send troops and start hostilities with other Guilds or Councils, but cannot declare war or peace.
II. Congressional bills, when passed, shall proceed to the EHC for consideration. Anyone of the EHC Members may veto a bill (that is, a bill must be unanimously ratified by the EHC's before it passes to law).
III. The Executive High Council presides over both the Congress and the Supreme Court in matters of voting or trial.
IV. Any member of the EHC may halt any action of an individual party or guild within the UAC, for the preservation of peace and order in the Council.
V. An EHC can pardon or reprieve any prisoner, and has final word in the punishment of a prisoner.
VI. Each EHC will be responsible for the appointment of two Justices to the Supreme Court.
VII. Any EHC can forbid a Guild or person, from joining the UAC, but cannot expel it/him/her.
VIII. EHC's are paid a Weekly salary of 15 XP's

Legislation by Congress

Legislative power in the United Affairs Council will be vested in a Congress consisting of the Grand Commanders of the many guilds which make up the UAC. Each guild has one vote, which is to the discretion of that guild's single highest commander. No person may have more than one vote. Powers of the Congress and the Congressmen/women are defined as follows, and legislation is discussed:

I. When an amendment, bill, revision, etc., is proposed, the Congress votes. Each member gets 1 vote. (Please note: if a Guild has 2 Leaders, both of them are in the Congress. However, they can't both vote. Therefore, they should discuss the issue between themselves, and then choose 1 representative to vote. Furthermore, if one person leads 5 Guilds, he doesn't get 5 votes; he still gets 1.) They can either vote yes, vote no, or abstain from voting altogether (does not care either way). If the proposed item wins by a majority, then the bill is passed to the EHC. If the proposed item does not recieve a majoral vote in favor of passing, it dies, and may not be proposed again for one quarter of the year.
II. If a bill is vetoed by the EHC, Congress may pass the Bill regardless with a 4/5 majority vote, and the bill passes to law with disregard to the EHC.
III. Congress may stop any action of the EHC with a 9/10 majortiy vote, under the leadership of an informal speaker.
IV. The members of the Congress are the direct advisors to the EHC.
V. Congressmen/women can create bills or amendments, or propose revisions, although they must be sent to the EHC for proposition before the entire assembly of Congress.
VI. The Congress has the power to remove a Guild from the UAC. If any Congressman/woman has a valid reason, they should notify all members of the EHC, and a vote will be called for at the discretion of the EHC. If a majority of the Congress votes against the Guild (if the EHC calls for a vote), the Guild is removed from the UAC, and all it's members lose their XPs. If a member of this exiled Guild is in another UAC Guild, they do not lose their XPs, because they will still have those XPs in their other Guild.

Legislative Committee

A new committee is being formed in the UAC - The Legislative Committee(herein referred to as "LC"). Currently, only the Executive High Council renders their opinions and votes on all amendment proposals before proposing them to Congress. This has been highly successful thus far, but the proposal process would be made even more efficient with the installment of the LC. This would effectively offer an even greater amount and variety of feedback - thus ensuring that any amendment proposal is "run through the grinder" before making it to Congress for possible ratification. The LC would be composed of 4 GCs or SiCs(no more than 1 per any guild) and 1 freelancer(to ensure they have a say), with all committee members being equal(as in, no chairperson). This would only make the amendment proposal process a little longer, but well worth the extra time spent. Basically, the process would work as follows:

1.) An amendment proposal is first hatched. The EHC offers its opinions amongst themselves and end up with an unofficial draft of the proposal.
2.) This draft is then submitted to the LC for deliberation.
3.) The LC discuss it amongst themselves via missives(while keeping the EHC CC'd). Deliberations last no longer than 7 days.
4.) They then submit their final report, which would include suggestions for revisions/additions that they feel necessary.
5.) EHC then takes this report into consideration and creates the final draft of the proposal.
6.) The proposal is then sent to Congress for vote.

The Legislative Comittee will be experimental at first, to see how it works out, and is subject to changes in duties and disbandment at the EHC's discretion(though it is most likely this will be successful). The LC is to be considered a committee that assists the leadership in decision-making and can be called upon as needed by the EHC for any official UAC matters that need attention. The members of the LC would no longer be considered part of Congress, and would not be allowed a vote on the amendment when proposed to Congress, as they were already involved in its drafting. However, a representative from a committee member's guild would be allowed a vote for that guild to ensure each guild gets its fair vote.

Judicial Review

Judicial Power in the United Affairs Council shall be vested in an assembly of appointed judges known as the Supreme Court. All disputes shall be handled by the Court; powers of the Justices and Judicial form is explained below:

I. The 8 Judges who make up the Supreme Court are appointed by the EHC (2 Justices appointed per EHC). A Justice's term is for life or until the EHC has a valid reason to dismiss them. If the EHC wishes to dismiss a Judge, Congress will be notified and a vote will be taken after the EHC has forwarded Congress its reasoning and the Justice's defense. If the Congress votes majority against the Judge, the Justice is dismissed from the Court. The Judge is not exiled from the UAC, and keeps all his/her XPs. However, once a Judge is removed, the other Judges can request that the EHC call for a trial, and if the EHC grants the trial, then it will proceed as any other trial.
II. The Judges act as the jury, and after the trial is over, they deliberate for as long as they wish, and then they vote. Majority wins. At that time, a guilty or not-guilty verdict is reached. If the verdict is one of guilty, then the Judges choose a punishment. At this time, the EHC can pardon or repreive the prisoner. He can also deny the punishment, if he thinks it is unfit. If he does, the Judges must choose another punishment.
As the Congress has the power to remove a Guild from the UAC, the Supreme Court has the power to remove a person from the UAC. If they want to use this power against a person, they notify the EHC, and the EHC will rule whether or not to proceed with trial.
III. The person on trial can choose a lawyer to represent him/her. The trial is conducted as follows:
a. The EHC decides whether or not the case goes to trial, and all of the EHC will Preside over the case.
b. The Prosecution gives it's opening statement.
c. The Defense gives it's opening statement.
d. The Prosecution calls a witness to the stand, and/or presents a piece of evidence.
e. The Defense cross-examines the witness if the Defense wishes. Both sides take turns until both sides are satisfied.
f. The Prosecution can re-direct a witness if it is so wished. Then, the Prosecution calls its next witness, and/or presents more evidence. Steps D, E, and F are repeated until the Prosection rests.
g. The Case is turned over the the Defense, and steps D, E, and F are repeated, with the necessary changes of place.
h. The Prosecution gives it's closing statement.
i. The Defense gives it's closing statement.
j. Judges deliberate.
k. Judges vote.
l. If the verdict is guilty, the Judges discuss punishment with the EHC, until an agreement is reached. If the verdict is not-guilty, then the trial ends here, on step L.
m. The punishment is carried out. (Only a member of the UAC can be punished, although other people can still be brought to trial. A member who commited a crime, then later left the UAC, can still be punished.) This punishment can be anywhere from an XP fine all the way to death (deletion of the Screen Name). The criminal may try to negotiate, but if he/she stubornly refuses the punishment he/she is given, the person will be ignored by the sum assembly of the UAC.
IV. Judges are payed a weekly salary of 10 XPs.

Administrative Offices

Other UAC Offices exist in order to successfully regulate and govern the Council fairly and efficiently. These offices range widely in responsibilities, powers, and description; each is listed below:

War Chancellor: The War Chancellor is responsible for hosting UAC Wars. He/She must be impartial to the guilds, and may not be a member of any guild warring with any other guild during his/her term. He/She is the final authority (save Congress and the EHC) in regulation of guild wars inside the UAC.
Clerk: The UAC's Clerk handles matters of payment of guild on a regular basis, and in dealing with matters of conflict in this payment (or lack thereof), etc. The Clerk is also responsible for reminding guilds to send in updates regularly.
Secretary: The UAC Secretary is responsible for the Admission of new guilds and the initial payment of these guilds, as well as their primary orientation in the Council. He/She will also handle paperwork for the EHC and during trials.
Minister of External Affairs: This person reports, regularly, to the EHC on matters regarding other forums and councils, guilds, and matters outside of the UAC.
UAC Independent Chancellor: This person is responsible for Admission of new Freelancers into the UAC, as well as their primary orientation into the Council. He/She will also inform the EHC of any additions/deletions to the Freelance Roster.  It is preferred that the FA be a Freelancer, but this is not a requirement.

UAC Independent Chancellor (in detail)

This official is responsible for the administrating of the freelancers. This is NOT a command position, in that the IC(Independent Chancellor) does not hold authority over the individual citizens, but rather it is one who manages freelance matters, ensuring proper policy among the freelancers, and keeping everything thoroughly up to date.

IC's duties are as follows:
¤ First and foremost, the IC keeps track of freelancers' XPs. In an effort to reduce the abuse of the UAC XP system, all freelancers are required to send their logs in to the IC. No response of confirmation is required to be sent back to the sender of a log. Response is only required if there is a discrepancy with the log, in which case the IC will attempt to resolve with the freelancer. If such is not possible, the IC will then present the log to EHC for judgment, as well as the arguments of both parties, where judgment will be made.
¤ Welcomes all new members to the UAC and ensures that they receive any necessary training and help in UAC matters. IC is responsible for sending the UAC Freelance Welcome Letter upon receipt of freelance application.
¤ Verifies applicants' XPs with the given references, using the standard XP Verification Letter. Also aids in the conversion of outside forum XPs to UAC XPs.
¤ Keeps accurate records of the current freelance roster, keeping up to date on those individuals that have gone MIA, deceased, changed SNs, etc... The IC is to keep the EHC updated on such changes as well.
¤ Keeps an accurate mailing string and notifies the freelancers of any changes in current policy and keeps them updated on new amendments and news.

Note: These duties are subject to changes and additions.

War Governance A. (UAC Form*)

Section I. Combativeness vs. Non-Combativeness

If a Guild so wishes, it can become Non-Combative. In order to do this, the Guild Leader must contact the War Chancellor. A Guild cannot become Non-Combative if a war is currently being declared on them, or if they are currently in a war. Non-Combative Guilds cannot fight in wars, and cannot have war declared on them. A Non-Combative Guild can still fight in Mock Wars or in Tournaments.

If any Non-Combative Guild wishes to become Combative (please note: when a Guild joins the UAC it is automatically Combative) after being Non-Combative, it must again contact the War Chancellor. However, it cannot declare war, join a war in progress, or have war declared on it for 2 days after it becomes Combative again.

Section II. Declaring War (DoW's)

In order for a UAC Guild to declare war, the War Chancellor and EHC must be notified. Few things are needed. They are:

Type of War (UAC, in this case)

1.) Attacking Guild's Full Name
2.) Attacking Leader's Screen Name
3.) Target Guild's Full Name
4.) Target Leader's Screen Name

If the attacker has friendly Guilds that will be joining the war on his/her side, then the attacker needs to add those names to the notification letter to the War Chancellor and EHC.

A1.) 1st Friendly Guild's Full Name
A2.) 1st Friendly Leader's Screen Name
B1.) 2nd Friendly Guild's Full Name
B2.) 2nd Friendly Leader's Screen Name


Here is an example notification to the EHC and War Chancellor.

To: (insert names of EHC and WC. There should be only five names)
Subject: War Notification

UAC Style War

1.) Killers of Good
2.) MeanMan666
3.) Brotherhood of  Nice Dudes
4.) XKindSoulX
A1.) Ugly Ogres of RhyDin
A2.) Bob7023854
B1.) Really Really Evil Knights of Death
B2.) DemonicXvX
C1.) Mercenaries of Magic
C2.) Sith22Sith

When the War Chancellor receives this letter in proper form, he/she will send a letter to the Guild Leader that is about to be attacked. At this time, the target Guild will send in its response, which is much shorter. All the target Leader has to do is send in his/her allies' information. Here is an example:

To: (WC and EHC)
Subject: Defense Notification

A1.) Holy Angels of the Sun
A2.) JelloLover

If the defending guild has no friendly guilds or allies, they still must notify the WC and EHC and inform them of this.

(Please Note: When writing this portion of the Regulations, the Author tried to create Screen Names and Guild Names that were not in use. If your Screen Name and/or the name of your Guild was accidentally used, please notify the EHC, and your name will be removed from this example.)

As you can see, there are 6 Guilds involved in this (example) conflict. The War Chancellor will then send a letter to each of the 6 Leaders. In this letter, he will ask the Guild Leader for a roster. (Keep the roster simple; don't have it split into legions or by ranks, etc. Just make an alphabetical list of all your members, including you, and have their UAC XP Dice displayed next to their names.) After the Guild Leader replies, no more members can be recruited into his/her Guild until after the war ends. Once the War Chancellor has these 6 replies, he/she will send out a letter addressed to all 6 Guild Leaders. It will contain the names of the 6 Guilds, names of the 6 Leaders, and the 6 Rosters. Once this is sent, the war begins. The Leaders must forward this list to all their members.

The 2 main Leaders can call in allies at any time they wish, but in order for an ally to join the war, the Leader of the allied Guild must send the War Chancellor and EHC his/her Guild's name and roster. The War Chancellor will then send out another letter to all (in this case) 7 leaders, with the expanded list. Each side can only call in an additional 2 Guilds after the war has begun.

Section III. Rules of a Combat and War Matches

When two people fight each-other in a UAC type war, it is called a WM, or War Match. A WM can only be fought during a war. WM's are always fought to 12 points, and if you were second to attack (your opponent beat you in the "init. roll"), you are entitled to a "last hit", in which you have a chance to tie or beat your oppenent if he/she reaches 12 points before you do. A WM is conducted the same as an everyday Spar. The log of the match must be sent to the War Chancellor by the victor of the match. The dice used in a WM are a person's "everyday" dice, which depend on your XP's. Any Challenge to a WM may be declined.

The loser of a battle is "dead". However, the loser does not have to delete his/her Screen Name like they do in a DM (Death Match). This "death" just means that you cannot fight in WM's until after the war is over, and nothing more. Immediately after a War Match is fought, the victor must forward the Log to the War Chancellor, and must also state what guild they are in and who their opponent was. If a winner of a WM does not email the War Chancellor within 1 day of his/her victory, the person will be fined 100 XPs. Each day of delay is another 100 XPs. Eventually, the person will probably have to borrow XPs just to pay the fine. The War Chancellor will daily send out updated lists to the Guild Leaders. These lists are identical to the ones sent out which marked the begining of the war, except that "dead" soldiers' names will be grey instead of black. Anyone who's name is written in grey, instead of black, is out of the war. The Guild Leaders must forward these updated lists to all their members as soon as they get them. When you loose a WM, you get 5 XPs.

Losing a WM is not the end of the world, however, a loser of a WM is not permitted to fight any more WM's in the War. When the WC sends out the updated lists to the Guilds' Leaders, and when the Guild Leaders forward these lists the their members, all people who've won matches are encouraged to scan the lists for the names of the person (people) that they've "killed". If his/her (their) name(s) is(are) not grey on the the next list, please contact the War Chancellor for correction.

If you win a WM, you give yourself 5 times the amount of points you won by. For example, if the ending score was 13-10, you gain 15 XPs (3 X 5 = 15). Etc.

One side wins a war either when all the enemies are "killed", or if the other side surrenders. If one of the 2 main Leaders wishes to surrender, they must send a letter to the War Chancellor and EHC for it to be official. In either case, when one side wins the war, the EHC officially ends it. Each "living" soldier on the winning side gains 8 more XPs at the end of the war, and "dead" ones gain 4 additional XPs. In addition to this, the winning Guild(s) and it's (their) Leader(s) will be honored in the next UAC Meeting or Letter.

Each soldier on the loosing side gains 3 XPs at the end of the war, but if the war ended due to surrender, then the soldiers on the losing side will gain no extra XPs. These losing soldiers still gain XPs from the WM(s) they won (if they won any), and the 5 XPs they get when they lose a WM (if they ever fought). However, if the war ended because everyone on one side "died", and you never fought in a single WM during the war, then you do not gain the any XPs.

Part IV. War Governance B. (Convention form**)

Section I. Combativeness vs. Non-Combativeness (same as above)

If a Guild so wishes, it can become Non-Combative. In order to do this, the Guild Leader must contact the War Chancellor. A Guild cannot become Non-Combative if a war is currently being declared on them, or if they are currently in a war. Non-Combative Guilds cannot fight in wars, and cannot have war declared on them. A Non-Combative Guild can still fight in Mock Wars or in Tournaments.

If any Non-Combative Guild wishes to become Combative (please note: when a Guild joins the UAC it is automatically Combative) after being Non-Combative, it must again contact the War Chancellor. However, it cannot declare war, join a war in progress, or have war declared on it for 2 days after it becomes Combative again.

Section II. Declaring War (DoW's)

In order for a UAC Guild to declare war, the War Chancellor and EHC must be notified. The following things are needed in a Convention war:

Type of War (Convention, in this case)

1.) Attacking Guild's Full Name
2.) Attacking Leader's Screen Name
3.) Target Guild's Full Name
4.) Target Leader's Screen Name

Number of Victory Points proposed for Declaration of a Win.

If the attacker has friendly Guilds that will be joining the war on his/her side, then the attacker needs to add those names to the notification letter to the War Chancellor and EHC.

A1.) 1st Friendly Guild's Full Name
A2.) 1st Friendly Leader's Screen Name
B1.) 2nd Friendly Guild's Full Name
B2.) 2nd Friendly Leader's Screen Name

Here is an example notification to the EHC and War Chancellor.

To: (insert names of EHC and WC. There should be only five names)
Subject: War Notification
Convention War

1.) Killers of Good
2.) MeanMan666
3.) Brotherhood of Nice Dudes
4.) XKindSoulX

200 VP's = End of War and Declaration of Win

A1.) Ugly Ogres of RhyDin
A2.) Bob7023854
B1.) Really Really Evil Knights of Death
B2.) DemonicXvX
C1.) Mercenaries of Magic
C2.) Sith22Sith

When the War Chancellor receives this letter in proper form, he/she will send a letter to the Guild Leader that is about to be attacked. At this time, the target Guild will send in its response. The target Leader must send in his/her allies' information as well as agreement or contest of Victory Points. If VP's for a win are agreed upon, then the war may begin. If not, then the Two Guild Leaders and the War Chancellor must meet and reach an agreement. Standard Victory Points for Victory of a War are 200.

To: (WC and EHC)

Subject: Defense Notification

A1.) Holy Angels of the Sun
A2.) JelloLover

Agree to 200.

If the defending guild has no friendly guilds or allies, they still must notify the WC and EHC and inform them of this.

As you can see, there are 6 Guilds involved in this (example) conflict. The War Chancellor will then send a letter to each of the 6 Leaders. In this letter, he will ask the Guild Leader for a roster. (Keep the roster simple; don't have it split into legions or by ranks, etc. Just make an alphabetical list of all your members, including you, and have their UAC XP Dice displayed next to their names.) After the Guild Leader replies, no more members can be recruited into his/her Guild until after the war ends. Once the War Chancellor has these 6 replies, he/she will send out a letter addressed to all 6 Guild Leaders. It will contain the names of the 6 Guilds, names of the 6 Leaders, and the 6 Rosters. Once this is sent, the war begins. The Leaders must forward this list to all their members.

The 2 main Leaders can call in allies at any time they wish, but in order for an ally to join the war, the Leader of the allied Guild must send the War Chancellor and EHC his/her Guild's name and roster. The War Chancellor will then send out another letter to all (in this case) 7 leaders, with the expanded list. Each side can only call in an additional 2 Guilds after the war has begun.

Section III. Scoring of Victory Points and Combat

Matches in a war are the same as matches outisde of war, except they have no adverse effects (DM's in a war do not result in Screen Name deletion). Each match in a War is worth so many Victory Points to the Guild to which the Victor of a match belongs. VP assignments for matches are as follows, and matches in war are explained in more detail:

Death Match = 20 VP's
The loser of a DM in a Convention War is out of the War altogether and may not interact in the war at all. DM's in Convention wars are always fought to 20 points.
Prisoner of War Match = 15 VP's
A POW Match is much like a Slave Match, though the loser is the possession of the opposing guild, not the winner of the match. They are not subject to orders of the guild's members or its leader, but they may not interact in the war or fight again unless they are released from being a prisoner in a Release Match. POW Matches are always fought to 15 points in War.
Release Match = 12 VP's
A Release Match is fought to free a Prisoner belonging to the opposing side. Prior to the match, the Fighters must agree as to who the match is being fought to free. If the person out to free a Prisoner wins, then the Prisoner goes free. If he/she loses, then he/she becomes a Prisoner as well. All RM's are always fought to 15 points.
Honor Match = 10 VP's
An Honor match is fought simply for Victory Points. The loser may fight again in the war until he or she is killed or captured. There are no consequences to an HM outside of the Victory Points. All HM's in War are fought to 10 points.

When a match in a Convention War is fought, the log must be sent to the War Chancellor by the victor, and the following information must be listed at the top of the letter:

Victor and Guild
Loser and Guild
Type of Match

(if match was a RM, Prisoner Released must also be listed)

As in UAC form wars, all "dead" persons will be listed in grey, and prisoners to the opposing side must will be listed in red, so that members may keep up with who is and is not alive or free to fight, and who is and is not captured in order to free.

Section IV. Declaration of Win or Victory

The War Chancellor will keep a running count of how many Victory Points a each side has. A War ends when one side reaches the Victory points agreed upon for victory (200) or when one side is eliminated. The War Chancellor will mail all parties when this happens and a Victor will be declared.

All matches are worth the same as they would be outside of war in combat (DM's are worth 6 times the difference, POW's and RM's worth 4 times the difference, and HM's worth 2 times the difference). In addition, all members of the winning side still alive at the end of the war will gain 8 XP's. All dead members or Prisoners will gain 4 XP's. All members of the losing side will gain 3 XP's; if a member was not active at all, he or she gains no XP's.


The 3rd Amendment: Warfare explained war, and more specifically, the War Match. This Amendment will deal with all the different types of battles you can fight... in times of peace. (Note: Instead of typing 'he/she' over and over again, I've decided to use 'he'. This isn't meant to be discrimination, it simply makes the text flow smoother.)


This is the most basic type of fight 2 people can participate in. A Spar can be fought to any total that the two combatants agree on. The winner gets 2 times the amount of XPs than the number of points he won by. (If the final score was 13-10, the winner would get 6 XPs.) The loser gets 1 XP. At the end of a Spar, all injuries are automatically healed. No proctor required.

Honor Match:

An HM is almost exactly the same as a Spar. The HM can be fought to any total. The winner gets 2 times the amount of XPs than the number of points he won by. (If the final score was 13-10, the winner would get 6 XPs.) The loser gets 1 XP. The only difference is that before the fight begins, both combatants make requests for what they want if they win. A combatant can request that the loser join his Guild, the loser give him 50 XPs, etc. The winner can ask for almost anything, except that he cannot ask for the loser to be his Slave, or that the loser delete his SN (character death). A combatant's request must be approved by his opponent. The winner of an HM gets his request(s) fullfilled. At the end of an HM, all injuries are automatically healed. No proctor required.

Slave Match:

The SM can be fought to any total. The winner gets 4 times the amount of XPs than the number of points he won by. (If the final score was 13-10, the winner would get 12 XPs.) The loser gets 1 XP. The loser is called a Slave. The Slave will remain enslaved until he is released by his Master, whether that be the winner of the SM, or a person that the Slave was sold to. The Master can make the Slave do anything that he wants to, except making the Slave violate TOS. If the Master wishes to execute his Slave, the Master must contact the EHC of the UAC and tell them why the execution should take place. After listening to the arguments of both the Master and the Slave, the EHC will render their decision. If they agree to the execution, in which case the Slave dies (see: Death Match). If they disagree, the Slave may not be executed for the reason the Master wanted the Slave executed. However, the Master can always ask the EHC to reconsider, or try to get the Slave executed for another reason. If someone ran away after Init. was rolled, then he is automatically a Slave. However, if he had to leave the fight because he was punted, his computer froze, he had to sign off, etc., then that is not considered running away, and the fight will be continued later. At the end of a SM, the injuries are not automatically healed. No proctor required, though it is highly recommended to avoid any potential disputes.

Death Match:

The DM is by far the most dangerous fight someone may participate in. A DM can be fought to any total. The winner gets 6 times the amount of XPs than the number of points he won by. (If the final score was 13-10, the winner would get 18 XPs.) Unlike the other fights, the loser does not get 1 XP. If someone loses a DM, then he also loses his life. However, the winner of the DM can decide to resurrect the loser. If this happens, it is as if a Resurrection Match (see: below) was lost by the killer. (Note: A popular method of gaining XPs is to fight Auto-Resurrection DMs. In these fights, both combatants know full well that the other person will resurrect them if he loses. Therefore, the winner of an Auto-Ressurection fight gets a lot of XPs without risking his life. Auto-Resurrection DMs are illegal in the UAC.) At the end of a DM, the injuries are obviously not automatically healed! Proctor is required. For more detail on DMs, please refer to the section of the UAC Guide entitled "DM Law".

Resurrection Match:

The RMs save people from death. The RM can be fought to any total. The winner gets 4 times the amount of XPs than the number of points he won by. (If the final score was 13-10, the winner would get 12 XPs.) The loser gets 1 XP. The killer is, of course, not forced to fight a RM. If the killer lost the RM, the "dead" person would be brought back to life. Please note that if a person's time limit ran out, and they deleted their SN, an RM can no longer be fought to save that person. If the challenger lost, he will become a Ghost. Again, the length of time the person must be a Ghost is determined before the fight. If the killer loses, the DM loser is Resurrected. However, the killer does not become a Ghost. The person who lost the DM cannot fight an RM in an attempt to save himself. If the killer ran away after Init. was rolled, then the DM loser is Resurrected. If a challenger ran away, he becomes a Ghost. However, if someone had to leave the fight becase he was punted, his computer froze, he had to sign off, etc., then that is not considered running away, and the fight will be continued later. At the end of an RM, the injuries are not automatically healed. Proctor is required.